Shpikje të reja 30/12/2016

“ECO-T” – The new sustainable, highly productive and competitive transfer machine.


A project co-funded by European Regional Development Fund concerning the Emilia Romagna Region POR FESR 2014-2020 “call for companies’ collaborative research and development projects” - DGR 773/2015 and subs. amend.

THE AMOUNT OF AID GRANTED: euros 872.695,00

PERIOD: May 2016 – April 2018


The project involves the multi station machine tool study, design, realization and testing. This machine tool is called transfer machine and it is equipped with the newest technological characteristics compared to the state of the art in its industry.

The R&D project will be related to an industrial project, with considerable investments in terms of workforce increase and establishment of dedicated productive areas.


The aims of this project are as follows:

- increasing the machine performance by reducing energy consumption.

- removing pollutants from the productive process.

- developing an “Industry 4.0” innovative supervision platform.

- being highly competitive by reducing investment and management costs and increasing productivity.


The project involves the construction of an innovative multi station transfer prototype which is able to:

- reduce lubricant consumption

- reduce energy consumption

- obtain "warm-up zero"

- increase machining speed

- machine monitoring according to "Industry 4.0" precepts